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5 Myths About SPF Debunked

Spring is right around the corner, and with it comes longer days with extended sun and more exposure to its harmful rays. While it can be tempting to throw caution to the wind as the weather gets warmer, it’s important to ensure you’re protected. To prepare you for the upcoming shift, here are the top 5 misconceptions about SPF and sun care during spring and summer. 

Myth: All SPF is the same

There are two types of sunscreen: chemical and physical. While they both protect against harmful rays, there are notable differences.

Chemical sunscreen absorbs into the skin and absorbs UV rays. If you’re the active type, this is the better choice for you. Not only do chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin quicker, chemical sunscreens are also water-resistant making them the ideal choice for swimmers or those who sweat easily.

Physical sunscreen, on the other hand, sits on top of the skin and reflects the sun’s rays. This type of sunscreen is ideal for those with rosacea, or sensitive skin. While physical sunscreens can be harder to blend into the skin, they tend to be more moisturizing. 

Tip: Choosing the right sunscreen is half the battle. Ask about our faves next time you’re in. When a product feels good, you’re more likely to stick to a daily routine. The days of tacky, sticky, white goop are in the past — upgrade your products. 

Myth: Anything above SPF 30 is unnecessary 

SPF, which stands for sun protection factor, is a measure of how long you can spend in the sun before burning.

Unprotected sun exposure can cause wrinkles and fine lines, brown spots, and dull, congested skin. SPF measures how well a sunscreen protects you from UVB rays. 

Choosing SPF over 30 is a must if you plan on being in the sunshine for a prolonged period of time, and SPF 50 is a great option for sensitive areas such as your face and neck. 

Myth: If my makeup has SPF, that’s enough 

SPF is only effective when it’s used correctly — for the face and neck that means one teaspoon. While this may sound minimal. When it comes to foundation, that’s a lot of product. Even if your makeup touts SPF on the ingredients list, you likely aren’t wearing enough of it to reap the benefits. 

Tip: Medical-grade brands like ZO offer a happy medium in the form of tinted SPF. Use the correct amount of product, while still getting coverage. 

Myth: SPF is 100% effective

While it’s great to use a daily sunscreen, the reality is that limiting your exposure is the best way to prevent sun damage. 

Tip: When you must be outside, do your best to protect your skin with protective clothing, hats, and seek shade whenever possible. Try to minimize your exposure between the hours of 11 am-3 pm when the sun is the strongest. 

Myth: You can’t undo sun damage

While it’s true that some UV damage can alter your DNA, it is possible to treat the aesthetic surface damage. One of our favorite ways to revitalize sun-damaged skin is our Go and Glow treatment. Address surface-level damage while encouraging new cell turnover and collagen production with our professional treatment. 

Whether you’re interested in learning more about protecting your skin, or you’re ready to treat existing damage, give us a call: (805) 544-5567.

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