Skin tags can feel annoying and be uncomfortable for some to look at. These strange growths on ou skin can crop up just about anywhere on the body, including the neck, face, and on the back. The great news is that a skin tag removal procedure can be performed quickly and without complication to get rid of these tags for good. The removal of benign lesions and tags is a common procedure performed at our San Luis Obispo center. The removal can be done with little discomfort to you and no downtime. If you’re interested in getting rid of your blemishes or tags, we welcome you to visit Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics today.
What Causes Skin Tags to Appear?
Skin tags are basically benign tumors that pose no health risk. Despite their harmless nature, these skin growths can be annoying and cause irritation, especially if they grow too close to the eyes. Skin growths like tags are typically thought to occur where skin rubs against itself or pieces of clothing. Frequently rubbing certain areas with your hands, such as around your eyes, can also cause skin tags to grow over time. If you have a skin tag, you’ll be happy to know that removing it is very straightforward and can easily be done by Dr. Kilcline at our center.

What Are the Signs?
Skin tags are generally easy to identify with the naked eye. The main sign of a tag is a growth on the skin, often on the neck, upper chest, underarms, and on the eyelids. These tags can often become irritated through excessive rubbing and by coming in frequent contact with clothing. Most skin tags don’t have to be removed, but many people opt to have them extracted for cosmetic reasons. If your skin growth is bleeding or looks irregular, it may be linked with another problem. If this is the case, we urge you to get in touch with our center as soon as possible.
How We Remove Skin Tags
We can easily remove your skin tags during your consultation at Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics. When you come in, Dr. Kilcline will begin by inspecting your skin to determine if the growth is indeed benign. Afterward, she may numb the area around the tag with a local anesthetic. This will ensure that you don’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. If Dr. Kilcline believes that your skin growth could be harmful, she may order additional testing or have the growth itself tested after the removal process. There is often little to no bleeding during the procedure and the area will be dressed to keep it protected so it could heal properly.
Help Removing Skin Tags in San Luis Obispo, CA
If you have a bothersome growth on your skin that you would like removed, get in touch with our center today. At Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals, every step of the way. To get in touch with our team, please fill out the form below or give us a call at (805) 544-5567. We look forward to seeing you!