Stubborn fat reduction can often feel like a slow road. It’s often the case that diet and exercise alone can help shed that excess weight eventually but are not as great in contouring that perfect physique. If you’ve done all you can to lose those love handles and still don’t feel like you’re in your best shape, opting for some help may be the best choice. At Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics, we are happy to provide our body contouring services to help you get rid of that fat and sculpt the look you’re always wanted.
How Does Stubborn Fat Form?
To lose belly fat, love handles, and stubborn fat pockets, you must have a certain degree of dedication. These excess weight indicators often show up due to poor dietary habits and a lack of exercise. Unfortunately, some of us who do adhere to strict diet regimes can still retain stubborn fat. Age and genetics definitely play a role in the formation of love handles. When focusing your exercises on your belly doesn’t seem to do the trick, opting for a body contouring procedure may be an excellent solution.

What Are the Signs?
Stubborn fat often lingers around the abdomen, back, flanks (love handles), thighs, and under the chin. These trouble areas usually have the highest concentration of fat cells. Simply because of their fat concentration, they are the hardest parts of the body to sculpt into shape. Aside from the physical signs of stubborn fat, carrying excess weight can put a strain on your physical health. If you are overweight, you may struggle with everyday tasks or have low energy levels. If this is the case, then starting on the path toward a healthier lifestyle can do wonders.
SculpSure® Body Contouring for Stubborn Fat
At Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics, we offer the powerful SculpSure® body contouring device. This system is the world’s first FDA-cleared treatment option for the non-invasive removal of stubborn fat around the body. This specialized device offers beautiful body contouring results for the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, outer thighs, and the submental area. The system works through a gentle heating process, delivering fast results with minimal discomfort and almost no downtime. While this can offer effective contouring results, it should still be used in tandem with diet and exercise to maximize the benefits.
Stubborn Fat Treatments in San Luis Obispo, CA
If your diet and exercise regimens appear ineffective, it may be time to seek help. At Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics we’re proud to provide you with our SculpSure® body contouring solution. To get in touch with our team, please fill out the form below or give us a call at (805) 544-5567. We look forward to seeing you!