Autoimmune disorders are a unique breed of medical conditions because they are caused primarily by your body’s reactions. When it comes to the skin, diseases such as scleroderma and alopecia can spring up seemingly out of nowhere due to your body’s natural defenses. Treating these conditions is tricky, however, with a team of medical professionals at your side, it can be possible. At Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics, our team is composed of dermatology professionals ready to help you with your autoimmune concerns. When you visit, you’ll not only find a fun and relaxing atmosphere nestled in the heart of San Luis Obispo, but a center dedicated to your health and happiness as well.
What Causes Autoimmune Disorders?
Ordinarily, the blood cells in your body’s immune system help protect against things that may seek to harm you. Bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, and other outside agents are constantly being repelled by your antibodies. When you have an autoimmune disorder, your system becomes unable to distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens. As a result, your antibodies begin to attack your system, causing inflammation, irritation, and other adverse effects. The exact cause of autoimmune disorders is unknown. However, some scientists speculate that their appearance has to do with genetics and certain substances found in potential triggers.

What Are the Signs of an Autoimmune Issue?
Common symptoms of an autoimmune disorder include fatigue, low-grade fever, skin rashes, swelling, and inflammation. However, these symptoms may vary depending on your specific issue. For example, common symptoms of psoriasis vulgaris include dry, cracked skin and joint pain. Similarly, alopecia is predominantly characterized by hair loss. Regardless of the cause, if you are having a hard time identifying your issue, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our San Luis Obispo center.
Addressing Autoimmune Disorders
During your consultation at our center, Dr. Kilcline will evaluate your skin to determine the specific issue. If necessary, she may request a blood draw, biopsy, or other type of diagnostic testing. Once we have pinpointed the specific autoimmune disorder that you’re struggling with, we can provide you with the ongoing treatment you need to feel better again. Though autoimmune disorders often feel scary, they can be addressed and managed with the proper medication.
Treatment for Autoimmune Disorders in San Luis Obispo, CA
If you’re dealing with unexplained symptoms like fatigue, inflammation, red patches of skin, or another similar issue, we’re ready to provide you with the treatment you need. At Coastal Dermatology + Aesthetics, we do all we can to help our patients feel secure, confident, and happy. To get in touch with our team, please fill out the form below, or give us a call at (805) 544-5567. We look forward to meeting you!