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How To Stay Youthful as the Leaves Change

As the season shifts from sweltering days in the sun to cooler ones spent indoors, it’s time to adjust your cosmetic treatments and skincare routines to correlate. 

Make sure you’re getting the most out of your aesthetic treatments by choosing the best anti-aging treatments for the season. Keep reading for the best ones to try this fall. 

Ensure Your Skin Is Hydrated With a HydraFacial

As the weather becomes cooler and drier in the fall, it’s crucial to maintain skin hydration. HydraFacials have become a popular cult classic for a reason: they work incredibly well. The 30-minute facial delivers extreme moisture to the skin (along with exfoliation and extraction), delivering maximum impact that leaves the skin glowing and feeling as soft as butter. 

It’s a great treatment for any season, but as the temperature drops, protecting the skin’s barrier is crucial to avoiding dry skin, itchiness, and redness. HydraFacial helps. 

Reverse Sun Damage With Laser Treatments

Sunspots, uneven pigmentation, fine lines, and visible blood vessels (like spider veins or broken capillaries) caused by sun exposure show themselves in the fall. Laser treatments can help reverse sun damage by targeting these concerns, destroying the damaged cells, and triggering new collagen growth by signaling a healing response to the body. 

Interestingly enough, fall is the ideal time for laser treatments because laser-treated skin is more sensitive to UV rays and sun exposure, which can increase the risk of complications, such as hyperpigmentation or burns. From a practical standpoint, fall’s cooler temperatures also make it more comfortable to manage any post-treatment discomfort.

Improve Texture With Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion involves the exfoliation of the top layer of skin to improve its texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and address various skin concerns. It’s also for prepping the skin for harsh winter weather; by removing dead skin cells and the outermost layer of skin, serums and moisturizers are easily and more readily absorbed, keeping your skin hydrated in the dry month to come.

Turn over your skin while Mother Nature turns over the autumn leaves. 

Refresh Your Skin With a Chemical Peel

Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. They range from superficial to deep and can effectively remove the top layer of dead skin cells, which helps improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and address issues like uneven skin tone and acne scars that may have developed during the summer.

Depending on your particular concerns and goals, we can work with you to determine the best peel for your skin. 

Upgrade Your Products to Match the Weather

Great skincare products make all the difference. Invest in a heavier moisturizer, and consider using a hydrating serum or hyaluronic acid-based products to lock in moisture and combat dryness. Additionally, incorporate antioxidant-rich products into your routine to protect your skin from free radical damage. (Tip: Utilize serums and creams containing ingredients like vitamin C and vitamin E.) 

Finally, never skip the SPF. Just because the heat is shifting doesn’t mean the sun’s rays are any less harmful. 

Fall is coming whether you’re ready or not, prep accordingly and book your autumn-friendly treatment today: (805) 544-5567.

happy family


At this time, we are only accepting new patients by referral. Once you receive a referral from your PCP, please fill out the form below or give us a call at (805) 544-5567 to request your appointment. Additionally, all cosmetic consultations require a payment of $125 at the time of booking.